Teknologi Pertanian

Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Desdy HG, S.T., M.T
Ketua Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Higher education is now under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Polytechnics are providers of higher education that focus on the type of vocational education as post-secondary institutions that take an innovative approach and teach the principles of entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship to students with the final result being expected to be able to form and graduate students with characters of noble character, discipline, hard work, and mutual respect. respectful, entrepreneurial, and has a managerial spirit. 
The Department of Agricultural Technology is one of the departments at the Pontianak State Polytechnic and was founded in 1999 starting with the Diploma III program, where the National Education System, especially higher education, seeks to develop Human Resources (HR), through vocational education. Vocational education always actively participates in upholding the nation’s and state’s economy, through human resources who have practical and adequate skills.

The Department of Agricultural Technology currently has three study programs at the main campus, namely D4 Integrated Plantation Product Processing (PHPT). D4 Plantation Management (MJP), and D4 Plantation Plant Cultivation (BTP). Apart from that, there are still 2 PDD and PSDKU study programs with a D3 TPHP study program in Kapuas Hulu Regency and Sanggau Regency and one TPHP Diploma Two (D2) study program in Singkawang City.
The term vocational can be interpreted as professional or profession. In relation to vocational education, the learning process in the Department of Agricultural Technology is mostly directed at developing skills and applied knowledge, so the emphasis is more on practical education and training. This can be seen from the educational learning allocation which applies a portion of 60% for practice and 40% for theory. The curriculum prepared is adjusted to market needs, stakeholders and the latest technological developments.

Geographically, the TP Department, POLNEP, is located in the provincial capital of West Kalimantan (Kalbar), which is surrounded by plantation development areas. Currently, the regional plantation sector, especially oil palm, is the main commodity supporting the economy of the people of West Kalimantan. Pc Games Download welcome the industrialization of palm oil and its derivatives, majors through graduates of Associate Experts in Agricultural Technology and Bachelors of Applied Agriculture must be able to take an important part in creating a ready-to-use workforce in the plantation industry.

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